Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What's wrong with people?

This is my first blog.  Really just a rant because I don't keep a journal and I need to scream somewhere besides inside of my head.  Today I'm having issues with the goodness or lack thereof in people.  I have a friend who suffers with depression who lost her job because she had an injury at work and was denied worker's comp.  She had back surgery and is now broke.  She posted a cry for help on her facebook and many people responded with please let me know if you need anything or call me or how can I help.  However, she made a gofundme with details of what's been happening and only a very people helped her.  It makes me sad because I suffer with depression.  I don't advertise it, I'm just one of those people like in the commercials with the happy face plate that I hold up. 

Anyway, why can't her friends give her $10 to help her out.  It would be like buying her lunch or giving her gas money.  A different friend posts that she is selling candy bars and everyone jumps at the chance to buy them.  Same group of friends.  People who know this girl know she isn't a begger.  This whose situation make me sad.  I've shared her post on my own facebook and given her money.  Idk what else to do.  Maybe I should have my own candy bar fundraiser....People suck. 

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